Lactococcus lactis характеристика

Lactococcus lactis is a spherical bacterium that belongs to the group of lactic acid bacteria. It has the ability to convert lactose into lactic acid, which leads to acidification of the surrounding environment. At very low pH values, L. lactis can also produce dextrorotatory lactic acid. There are two subspecies of L. lactis: subsp. lactis and subsp. cremoris. L. lactis is widely used in the production of dairy products such as buttermilk, yogurt, and cheese. These bacteria are naturally found in the gastrointestinal tract and vagina of humans. In the next article on, we will discuss the characteristics of Lactococcus lactis bacteria.

Lactococcus lactis can be found in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy individuals and in the vaginal tract of women. It is also used in the production of various dairy products. The lactis subspecies is used for the production of soft cheese, kefir, and cottage cheese, while the cremoris subspecies is used for the production of hard cheese, buttermilk, and cream. Biotechnological methods are used to obtain antibacterial preservatives such as nisin and other proteins from Lactococcus lactis bacteria. Additionally, Lactococcus lactis can be found on the surfaces of various plants and in the gastrointestinal tract of cows.

Lactococcus lactis usually does not cause disease. After ingestion, it survives intact in the gastrointestinal tract and can produce proteins in the intestine and release them into the surrounding environment. However, the bacteria do not colonize the gastrointestinal tract permanently. L. lactis has various antimicrobial effects and can also compete with harmful pathogens in the environment (1).

The beneficial effects of Lactococcus lactis include:

  • Production of antimicrobial substances against pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteriocins and lactocin.
  • Acidification of the habitat through the production of lactic acid.
  • Production of antioxidant molecules called exopolysaccharides (EPS).
  • Anti-inflammatory properties, modulation, and activation of the immune system.
  • Favorable effects on the intestinal bacterial flora.

Lactococcus lactis is naturally present in the gastrointestinal flora of humans and usually does not cause diseases. In exceptional cases, the bacteria can still cause infections in people, especially those with weakened immune systems or serious illnesses.

These infections can include bloodstream infections, abscesses in the brain, joint inflammation, infections of the heart valves, liver abscesses, and bone infections (osteomyelitis).

Lactococcus lactis can be found in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy individuals. Lactic acid bacteria can have a positive effect on the composition of the intestinal flora. Among other things, L. lactis can counteract the imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestinal flora. This imbalance can contribute to the development of obesity, functional disorders of the gastrointestinal system, or increased susceptibility to infections of the digestive system caused by pathogens. In this context, the so-called stool analysis provides information about the composition of the intestinal bacterial flora.

Probiotic strains of Lactococcus lactis can be used as probiotics in the therapy of various clinical manifestations. The therapeutic and preventive effects of Lactococcus lactis probiotic bacteria are currently being investigated in many studies.

  • Treatment of lipid metabolism disorders and high blood pressure:
    In animal experiments, the administration of Lactococcus lactis probiotic strains led to a reduction in blood pressure in rats with high blood pressure. In addition, the administration of Lactococcus lactis strains in rats resulted in a decrease in blood lipid levels, especially triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. These animal studies indicate that Lactococcus lactis probiotic strains could be used to treat high blood pressure and lipid metabolism disorders. However, further research is needed to determine the extent to which these results can be transferred to humans.

  • Treatment and prevention of allergies:
    The intake of Lactococcus lactis can have a positive effect on allergic diseases. Animal studies on newborn piglets have shown that regular consumption of Lactococcus lactis prevents the development of allergies (5). In addition, treatment with Lactococcus lactis can prevent the development of atopic eczema in children with a family history of the disease. According to the study, treatment of mothers with Lactococcus lactis during pregnancy and for the following 6 months after childbirth reduced the risk of atopic eczema in these children.

  • Promotion of healthy skin complexion:
    Lactococcus lactis therapy can positively affect skin moisture and improve its elasticity.

  • Prevention of infections and activation of the immune system:
    Lactococcus lactis can activate the immune system’s defense against pathogenic microorganisms, thereby alleviating symptoms of colds and flu.

  • Treatment of inflammatory bowel disease:
    In animal experiments, the administration of Lactococcus lactis strains can reduce inflammatory activity in rats with chemically induced intestinal inflammation and improve the clinical picture (3). Thus, Lactococcus lactis can be used in the therapy of inflammatory bowel diseases. Further clinical studies are needed to investigate the role of Lactococcus lactis in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases in more detail.

Probiotic strains of Lactococcus lactis are available in various pharmaceutical forms and products. L. lactis is often combined with other probiotic bacterial strains.

Probiotics are sold as medicines or supplements, each of which is regulated by safety regulations. Probiotics should always be taken for a longer period of time. It is recommended to use them regularly for at least eight weeks. Before using probiotics, it is advisable to discuss with a doctor the duration of treatment and the methods of application. If you already have serious illnesses or know that your immune system is weakened, you should consult a doctor before starting therapy.

Частые вопросы

Какие основные характеристики у Lactococcus lactis?

Lactococcus lactis – это грамположительная бактерия, которая обычно обитает в молочных продуктах и играет важную роль в их производстве. Она является микроорганизмом молочнокислого брожения, способным превращать лактозу в молочную кислоту.

Какие промышленные применения у Lactococcus lactis?

Lactococcus lactis широко используется в пищевой промышленности для производства различных молочных продуктов, таких как йогурт, сыр и кефир. Она также может быть использована в производстве пробиотиков и других функциональных продуктов, благотворно влияющих на здоровье.

Полезные советы


Изучите характеристики Lactococcus lactis перед использованием в пищевой промышленности. Это поможет вам лучше понять его потенциал и возможности в производстве различных продуктов.


При использовании Lactococcus lactis в производстве молочных продуктов, обратите внимание на оптимальные условия его роста и развития. Это включает в себя контроль температуры, pH и наличие необходимых питательных веществ.


При использовании Lactococcus lactis в производстве сыров, учитывайте его способность к ферментации лактозы. Это позволяет улучшить вкус и текстуру сыра, а также увеличить его срок годности.

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